Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Dongeng Bahasa Inggris "Malin Kundang"


Along time ago, there lived a poor widow in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Her name was Mande Rubiah. She lived with her son. His name was Malin Kundang. She Love her son very much.

            When Malin Kundang was fifteen years old, he worked as a porter on a merchant ship. He had been abroad for many years but he did not send any news to his mother. His mother messed him.

            The captain of the ship liked him because he worked very hard. When he older the captain asked him to marry his daughter. He worked even more successfully so that when the captain died he got all of the captain’s wealth and also become the new captain. He was very rich but unfortunately he became too proud and arrogant because of his wealth.

            One day Malin Kundang’s ship dropped anchor at the Batang Arau Harbour. Then his mother, who had been waiting for years, heard about this. She went to the ship to see her beloved son. But what happen? Malin Kundang did not want to admit that Mande Rubiah was his mother. He knew it but he was too arrogant to do it. He did not want his beautiful wife to see the old and ugly woman coming to him as his mother. He even scolded her and asked his guards to send her away.

            His mother was very sad. She sorrowfully knelt down to pray to God, “Oh, God, I know he is my son, but why has he turned so wicked? Please, God, don not let this wickedness continue. Punish him as You wish

            Then when the ship sailed, suddenly the sky turned dark, and a strong wind blew the ship violently. Malin Kundang and all of his guards were drowned. The ship turned upside down and it immediately turned into a stone.

            Now when we go to the beach near Padang, we can see a rock looks like a ship. People say that it was Malin Kundang’s ship.

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Present Future Tense

Present Future Continuous Tense

Bentuk Verbal
Will + be + Verb 1-ing + Object / Adverb

Shall + be + Verb 1-ing + Object / Adverb

Will not + be + Verb 1-ing + Object / Adverb

Shall not + be + Verb 1-ing + Object / Adverb

Peggunaan Present Future Continuous Tense

*Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan sedang berlangsung diwaktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Untuk tujuan ini seringkali dipakai kata keterangan waktu seperti at this time tomorrow, from seven to nine tonight, dan sebagainya.
            -My brother will be playing tennis at nine tomorrow morning.
             (Saudara laki-lakiku akan sedang bermain tennis pada pukul 9 besok pagi)

*Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan dilakukan atau akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang tetapi perbuatan tersebut bukan merupakan hal yang direncanakan.
            -He will be helping Rudi tomorrow
             (Dia akan membantu Rudi besok)

*Digunakan dalam kalimat Tanya menggantikan Present Future dengan maksud agar pertanyan tersebut menjadi lebih halus atau lebih halus atau lebih sopan.
            -When will your brother be visiting us againt?
             (Kapan saudara laki-lakimu akan mengunjungi kami lagi?)

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Present Future Perfect Tense

Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Bentuk Verbal
Will / Shall + Have + Been + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb

Will / Shall + Not + Have + Been + Verb 1-ing +Object/Adverb

Yes-No Question
Have + Been + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb

Wh Word Question


Will/Shall + Have Been + Verb 1-ing + Object/Adverb

Penggunaan Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense

*Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan telah sedang berlangsung diwaktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Untuk tujuan ini dipakai kata keterangan waktu yang diawali dengan By, seperti by the time, by 2012, by May next year, dan sebagainya.
            -We will have been attending the English course here for five months by next month.
(Kami akan sedang mengikuti kursus bahasa inggris disini selama 5 bulan menjelang
             bulan depan)

*Digunakan untuk menyakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah sedang berlangsung beberapa saat diwaktu tertentu di masa yang akan ataupun ketika terjadi peristiwa yang lainnya di masa yang akan datang.
            -We shall have been studying for two hours before our father comes from the office.
(Kami akan telah sedang belajar selama dua jam sebelum ayah kami tiba dari kantor)

-He will have been sleeping for some hours by the time we get home.
(Dia akan telah sedang tidur selama beberapa jam pada saat kami tiba di rumah)

Present Future Perfect dan Present Future Perfect Continuous tense memiliki hubungan yang hamper mirip dengan hubungan antara Present Perfect dan Present Perfect Continuous. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense bisa digunakan untuk mengganti Present Future Perfect apabila:

a.       Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan sedang berlangsung:
By the end of the month he have been living/working/studying here for seven years.

b.      Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang diungkapkan sebagai perbuatan yang berlangsung terus menerus:
By the end of the month he will have been training horses/climbing mountains for ten years.

Namun demikian perlu diperhatikan bahwa, apabila kita menyebutkan jumlah kuda yang telah dilatih atau jumlah gunung yang telah didaki, ataupun membagi perbuatan tersebut dengan cara lainnya, maka bias digunakan adalah Present Future Perfect:
By the end of the month he will have trained 300 horses/ climbed 15 mountains.